Thursday, July 26, 2012

Another 2X4 for My Author's Platform: Twitter

Twitter is ‘hot’!
I realized, as I started building my 'author's platform', a Twitter account was essential. I have a whopping NINE (count 'em NINE) followers to date. I know, that's sad compared to all those other Tweeters out there, but I’m thrilled. So, 'thank you' to all of my followers. I’ve actually tweeted over ninety times. Surely, that makes me an expert, right?

I didn’t care to follow any of the suggested ‘Who to Follow’. Instead, I searched for authors and agents I was already familiar with. As my 'Following' list (those I follow) grows, I'm really glad I'm a tweeter (no, that’s probably not the right word- I rarely use the right words). Many of the agents and authors I follow tweet links to amazingly helpful articles or blog posts for debut authors (yes, I prefer ‘debut’ to ‘unpublished’). Sometimes the people I follow will retweet (RT) what other folks tweet, sharing even more excellent information. Plus, they lead me to different people who I might like to follow.

Since I’m trying to be a benevolent blogger and help out my fellow ‘debut’ authors, I'm sharing some links that I've come across via the awesome tweets on Twitter. As I will do on any occasion that I have nothing better to blog about... at least that should make it worth your while to visit every now and then.

For a great blog post on social media: by Chris Goulet

Also, go to (Tweeted by Sara Megibow @SaraMegibow) It’s really important information for anyone.

BONUS #1 (hash tag that I like on Twitter): #10queriesin10tweets (Sara Megibow @SaraMegibow does this on most Thursdays) ~UPDATE: Sara Medibow is no longer doing #10queriesin10tweets~

BONUS #2: If you are new to Twitter and are at all involved, or interested, in the publishing community, but have yet to run across him, follow Self-Published Hulk ‏@INDIEAUTHORHULK he's flippin' hilarious.

Check me out: Kelley Harvey @KHarveyWrites to see who I follow and to follow me.

All right, I'm off to figure out what else I need to do to strengthen my 'platform'... maybe install a few extra girders?

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