Monday, June 16, 2014

Writing Process Blog Tour

My writing process... hmmm, now there's a question. Actually, there are four! I was invited by the lovely BA Wilson to join in on this fun blog-hop to learn more about the writing process from lots and lots of authors. Go check out her writing process on her blog at .

1) What am I working on?

Well, that's the gagillion dollar question these days. I have multiple books started and about three more brewing in the back of my mind. As far as actual writing projects, the two works I tend to go back in the forth the most are the sequel to my first novel, a romantic light sci-fi, DEVASTATION, titled DESPERATION, and a follow-up for SECRETS I KEEP. The follow-up, to be titled LIES I TELL, will be a stand alone, though it will be part of a series of books with similar feel and style. Mostly though I'm working on trying to get my current book SECRETS I KEEP, a NA Contemporary Romance with dark elements and family drama, represented by an awesome agent, and hopefully published sometime in the next year or two.

2) How does my work differ from others of it's genre?

Okay, I've thought how I can put this, but have decided it's already been explained as well as it can be, by my now close friend, Jennifer Hawkins (who at the time of writing her blog post about SECRETS I KEEP, she and I had only just become acquaintances, and were just really starting our friendship)... so I think it's best said on her blog post, "The New Adult Genre: I'm a believer again."

3) Why do I write what I do?

Well, I started out writing my first novel for my, then 15 year old daughter. My latest novel, SECRETS I KEEP, I wrote for me. Whether it sells or ever sees the light of day glancing off other shiny titles on a bookstore shelf, it's mine. A story close to my heart that had to be written no matter if it's what agents or editors are looking for. This was a must write. I just hope, it becomes a MUST READ on many of your lists, eventually.

4) How does my writing process work?

That depends on the day, the hour, and what's going on around me. In an ideal world, I am in a comfy place, music playing in the background, usually something that reflects the feel and tone I want the story to have, and I have peace and uninterrupted quiet to get lots of words down before I have to get up for a leg stretching break. However, since I don't often live in that ideal world, it usually works more like, music playing, while I'm trying to snatch moments between work, laundry, kid interruptions, dog pottie break needs, household and life-stuff that seems to be out to get me and my precious writing time. So basically, I'll write anywhere I can find a moment and be able to turn on my laptop.

Next week (June 23rd), go check out these three

amazing authors to see how their process works. 

Jennifer Hawkins is a mom, wife, nurse, and author of adult & young adult fiction. Her short story, "Preach What You Practice," received an honorable mention in the 2014 Writer's Weekly Short Story Competition. She lives with her husband of nine years, two adorable sons, and a Great Dane who thinks she's a lap dog. Though she'll always be a South Carolina girl at heart, Jennifer now resides under the sprawling Texas sky--where there's plenty of sweet tea and sunshine, thank heavens.
Visit her blog at

In a previous life, Kristin Kisska Mehigan was a finance geek, complete with MBA and Wall Street pedigree. Now surfing her renaissance wave, she’s a self-proclaimed fictionista. Her contemporary suspense novel, PURPLE SHADOWS, is set at UVA, her alma mater. When she’s not working on her next book (a quest set in Prague), she can usually be found tweeting @KKMHOO or blogging weekly about life and writerly things on her “Leave it to Kris…”, her Tumblr page.
It can be found at

Charlotte is the beautiful blonde.
Charlotte Levine-Gruber is a third generation Texan who spends at least part of every day with her nose in a book. She worked in a variety of professions; exercising race horses, apparel buyer in Manhattan, and registered nurse before returning to school later for an MBA. She spent many years working in corporate bankruptcy liquidations and brings this body of knowledge to her novels. UNFINISHED BUSINESS is her debut book and she's currently working on the next, WORK IN PROGRESS.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

RELEASE DAY Weekend: IF I BREAK by Portia Moore


Well, okay, RELEASE WEEKEND :)

*fires confetti cannons* 

Portia Moore's IF I BREAK, a New Adult Contemporary Romance released on Friday, June 6.
Don't miss being one of the first of your friend's own it, read it, love it (and don't forget to help an author out and leave a review.)

What happens when happily ever after is the hard part...

Lauren Brooks wants to do three things: Escape the small town she grew up in, get accepted to her dream school in Chicago, and graduate without drowning in debt. Now she’s working her ass off to do just that.

With a full course load and a waitressing job at one of the hottest night clubs in Chicago, she does not have time for distractions;namely ones who only want to get into her pants. She’s been burned before.
Only a fool goes for a second round.. With just two semesters left until graduation, everything’s on track.

Until she meets Cal. Enter distraction.

At six-foot-two, with ebony hair, deep grey eyes, and a smile that could only hide an agenda, she knows he’s trouble. And for the first time in her life, a little trouble might be just what she needs.

No. What she wants.

It isn't like she’d ever marry the guy.
Until she does.

What she thinks will be her happily ever after, is only the beginning.

Cal has a secret. One that makes loving him come with a price, and being his wife cost more than she bargained for.

Here are a couple of short teasers from Portia to whet your appetite.

Where to buy IF I BREAK:

Where to find Portia:

